Bat Biology Training and Consulting for Western North America

BatsRUs is a division of Birchdale Ecological, focusing on bat biology training and consulting for western North America.


Cori Lausen is a bat research and conservation biologist. She completed her PhD in Ecology at the University of Calgary in 2007. Both her Masters and PhD research were on bats, with the former focusing on behaviour and physiology, and the latter on landscape genetics.

Cori is an Associate Conservation Scientist with the Wildlife Conservation Society of Canada (WCS Canada). Her program focuses largely on a science-based response to white-nose syndrome, a catastrophic disease impacting bats in North America, with 3 main tools: inventory and monitoring, disease prevention, and mitigation research.

Please browse the upcoming training courses available, as well as her published works on this website.

To investigate her ongoing conservation research projects through WCS Canada, please visit the website.

